
about " METAL KINGS" 's theme

"Metal Kings" e` uno dei progetti piu` grandi a cui mi sto dedicando in questi anni.
Un progetto iniziato e portato avanti attraverso scultura, disegno e, in questi ultimi anni, scrittura, usata inizialmente per creare una storia che supportasse e connettesse sculture e disegni.

"Metal Kings" it's one of my biggest project which I 'm doing in these years.
A project I'm making mainly by sculpturing, drawing and also, in these latest years, by writing. Writing a long story beside and beyond all these pictures and sculptures for support and connect all this stuff.


some of "METAL KINGS" sketches

" Secondo le antiche leggende i "Metal Kings" erano un popolo di possenti giganti di metallo abitanti nel loro regno sotterraneo fatto di Ferro e Fuoco. ...".

"The ascient legends told about the "Metal Kings" their were a folk of huge and mighty metal giants dwelt within the earth in their reign of Metal and Fire...".

"Qualcuno disse che erano mere leggende, qualcun'altro penso che alla base di queste leggende c'era della verita`.
Uno, infine, si mise alla loro ricerca...." .
"Someone said where just legends. Someone though that in these legends there was some truth.
One has begun too seeking them..."

M.K.: making of the GREAT HAND 1

In laboratorio durante gli ultimi stadi di lavorazioni prima del sezionamento dell'intera scultura in 25 pezzi;
In the lab during the last stage before separeteing the whole sculpture in 25 pieces.


Materiali/Material: Terracotta;
dimensioni/size: a/h. m. 2.20, la/w. m.1.50x1;
peso/weight: 200/220 Kg.
note: la scultura e` composta da 25 pezzi di terracotta ancorati ad una struttura di metallo
the sculpture it's composed by 25 pieces of terracotta hanged on a metal structure.


" Chiunque e` pazzo puo` chiedere l'esenzione dalle missioni suicide, ma, chiunque chiede l'esenzione dalle missioni suicide non e` pazzo"
Questa serie di bozzetti e` nata a partire da questa piccola frase che, a distanza di parecchi anni, ancora mi ricordo dal fumetto " Sturmtruppen " di Bonvi ( a quel tempo non sapevo ne del romanzo di Joseph Heller ne del film di Mike Nichols da cui e` stato tratto )
Non che fossi un gran fan dei suoi fumetti, comunque alcune cose mi facevano impazzire...questa frase in particolare mi e` rimasta incastrata nel cervello!
"who is insane can ask to be exempted from the Kamikaze mission, however who ask be exempeted it is not insane."
This sketces's serie was inspireted by this senteces read many years ago in a italian comic called "Sturmtruppen" by Bonvi ( check "his" web site above please) rather that the novel by Joseph Heller or the Mike Nichols's movie.
Actually I was not particulary fond of this comic but anyway it's still trap in my brain.
The sketches are a sequense of steps were the man traped in a straitjacket found in some how a way to set free him self gained more powerand energy during the process by the freedom it self rather then anger, frustration or some other bad feelings.
I guess he just realized what was traped him and in do it so, he quitely just start to free his hands.
...........he soon found out it wasn't enought so he menages to free the arms untill the elbows.............
........... but still a small different....he couldn't drink or smoke or eat by himself......
Yep! when it set free from the shoulders it doesn't matter anymore, he doesn't care anymore of the straitjacket...actually could be even useful now!

actually I still don't understand myself what is the connection between the "catch" and my sketches thought just for the non sense feeeling in it.
Anyway I wanted just to pointing out how,sometimes, we can turn rigth a situation which have kept us jammed and trapped .... should be just a snatch in the brain something that sundetly we comes to realized maybe after a long undergoing process.......


"...A.B. Someone;....A.B. who???".....

A.B. Normal 1

polistirolo, poliuretano, gesso/polystyrene, uretan, plaster;
cm. 150x120x (tv) 50.

A.B. Normal 2

carta pesta/paper, tubo/tube, legno/wood, pietra/stone;
a/h. cm 200, la/w. cm 45, lu/l. cm 80;
80 kg+-

A.B. Normal 3

poliuretano/polyuretan,tubo e valvole idrauliche/tube and valve, basalto/basalt;
a/h. cm 200,la/w. cm 40, lu/l. 90;
70 kg+-

R. 21

legno di caco/kaki wood, ferro/ iron;
a/h. cm 40, lu/l. cm 50, la/w. 15, s/t. cm 10.


material: teak wood & basalt;
size: wood, cm. 80x50x50;
stone, cm 100x70x30;
weight: 230 kg.


R. 19

R. 19
materiali: struttura in legno di ciliegio;
oggetto: teak;
gomena ;
vecchi viti e bulloni di ferro.
materials: structure cherry wood;
object: teak;
old iron bolts and screwes

dimensioni/size: h. cm.190x80x120;

peso/weith: 90kg+-.

R. 49

R.49 in legno di canfora ( la radice), su base di piastra e tondino di ferro; peso circa 60/70 kg., dimensioni approssimative cm.100x90x70, lo spessore del legno e` di circa 50cm. e l'altezza totale e intorno ai 90 cm..
R. 49 is made in Canphor tree (the root), on a plate and stick of iron ;
weight about 60/70 kg., size around cm.100x90x70. thikness about 50cm. and the height is nearly 90cm. .


Jun '06, the Begging of R.14: Seeking the wood

Verso la fine di giugno iniziai la scultura che poi portai avanti e conclusi durante l'evento di Kaonj, cosi andai in giro alla ricerca del legno giusto...e finalmente...
In the end of Jun I begun to work on my last sculpture which I finished in July during the Kaonji event, so I went around seeking the right wood... and finally...
...Scusa ma vorrei proprio quello sotto a tutto il resto!
....Sorry! I really would like have the one under all others!
Aspetta che faccio un po` d'ordine!!!
Wait! first I make a bit clean!!!

Si! E` proprio quello!

Yes! It's that one!